Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Physics Lessons - 3009 Words
University of the Philippines College of Science PHYSICS 72 SET A Second Semester 2010-2011 First Long Examination National Institute of Physics 2nd Sem AY 2010-2011 Physics 72 INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the best answer and shade the corresponding circle on your answer sheet. To change your answer, cross-out and sign your original answer and then shade your new answer. No computational devices allowed (e.g. calculators, mobile phones). Following instructions is part of the exam. Useful formulas: Area Sphere (radius = r) Cylinder (radius =r, height = h) 1. Volume Useful constants: e me ÃŽ µo k -1.60 x 10-19 C 9.1 x 10-31 kg 8.854 x 10-12 C2/Nm2 8.988 x 109 Nm2/C2 Consider three identical metal spheres, A, B, and C. Sphere A†¦show more content†¦Electric fields passing through a Gaussian box (pointed inward) as shown in the figure to the right. Which of the following is a possible charge system inside the box? A. +4e and -3e B. 3e, -4e and +2e C. 16e, -23e and +7e D. +13e, -34e and +20e E. Cannot be determined 12. Find my charge. Two parallel infinite line of charge are separated by a distance 2L. A point P is located at exactly midway between the two lines of charge as shown in the figure. The charge density of line of charge 1 is +3ÃŽ ». What should by the charge density of charge 2 if the net electric field at point P is given by A. +3ÃŽ » B. -3ÃŽ » C. +(3/2)ÃŽ » D. –(3/2)ÃŽ » E. 0ÃŽ » â‚ ¬ ï ¶ E = 0? 3|A 13. Rank the E-field. Consider a solid with a total charge Q and radius figure. Rank the points W, X, Y and magnitude of electric field. Point Y the conductor. A. Y=X=WZ B. ZY=X=W C. ZYX=W D. W=XYZ E. YZX=W conducting sphere R as shown in the Z according to the is on the surface of 14. Concentric. Consider two concentric metal spheres. Spheres 1 and 2 are both hollow as shown in the figure. A negative point charge (-e) is located at the center of the two spheres. Initially, spheres 1 (S1) and 2 (S2) have charges +2e and –e respectively. At static equilibrium, what is the charge at the outer surface of sphere 2? A. –e B. +e C. -2e D. +2e E. zero 15. Applications of Gauss’s Law. A point charge –Q and an infinite line of charge with linear charge density +ÃŽ » are situated a distance 2L from each other. What isShow MoreRelatedLesson Plan in Physics (Logic Gates)2757 Words  | 12 PagesLESSON PLAN I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, 80% should be able to: A. Differentiate the three basic logic gates B. Construct truth tables for each kind of logic gates C. Develop cooperation during class discussion II. Subject Matter A. Unit: Electricity and Magnetism B. Topic: Electronic Logic Circuits C. Concepts 1. AND gate works like a series circuit. 2. OR gate works like a parallel circuit. 3. NOT gate produces output opposite the input. D. Materials 1. 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No. E83/20087/2012 A RESEARCH THESIS SUBMITTED IN FULFILLMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY OF KENYATTA UNIVERSITY JANUARY 2014 DECLARATION I declare that this research thesis is my original work and has not been presented for a degree in anyRead MoreNetwork Theory Information Flow Based Theory And Control Theory2177 Words  | 9 Pagesthat their behavior is constrained by the laws of physics. According to David A Mindell, â€Å"The era of cyberspace and the internet, with its emphasis on computer as a communication device and as a vehicle for human interactions connect to a longer history of control systems that generated computers as networked communication device.†The commerce, entertainment and friendship these three different subjects from history has taught us three basic lessons 1. 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In physics I did a project on nuclear fusion. The paper discussed concepts of nuclear physics never taught to me. I worked hard to grasp the difficult theories, and my grades exhibit dedication to furthering this competence. Mankind has limitlessRead MorePertinent Portfolio for Field Study3331 Words  | 14 PagesCebu Primary : Lunas II Elementary School 2006 Lunas, Asturias, Cebu CHARACTER REFERENCES Mr. Randy Muà ±asque Church Pastor Consolacion, Cebu Ms. Rosemary Cuizon TNHS English Teacher Tugbongan, Consolacion, Cebu Mr. Roy B. Garbo TNHS Physics Teacher Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu STATEMENT OF PURPOSE OF THE PORTFOLIO We are assigned to observe the Tugbongan Elementary School, and because of those observations we get some ideas from the class that we had observed. And because of those experiencesRead MoreThe Field Of Business Contains Various Paths That Are Interconnected1560 Words  | 7 Pagesthat is vital to a company and can be the difference between success and failure. Through analyzing the TED Talk â€Å"What Physics Taught Me About Marketing†by Dan Cobley, it is apparent that there is always a thing or two to learn in our own discourse communities. Cobley not only explains the usefulness of utilizing other disciplines, but he also effectively teaches applicable lessons about the field of marketing. Most people think of marketing as just the final product or just the advertisement thatRead MoreBlowing Bottle Tops: Making Music with Glass Bottles716 Words  | 3 Pagespaper will explain how this works. The paper will be talking about sound, sound waves, standing waves, musical note names and frequencies, resonance, and closed-end air columns. Closed-end air columns will be a main focus in the paper, studying the physics behind it. Glass bottles are an example of a closed-end air column. Therefore, the more water inside the bottle, the lower the note, and less water would be a higher note. Closed-end air can be many things; ranging from brass instruments, woodwind
Monday, December 23, 2019
Minority Cultures in Pittsburgh - 2149 Words
Minority Culture --- Jewish Theme 1 --- Holidays/Traditions There is no way to define someone as â€Å"Jewish†in terms of race; there is no â€Å"Jewish race.†Judaism has a long history; Jewish identity is a combination of this history as well as religious and ethnic variables. There are also several different ways to practice Judaism such as Orthodox, Reformed, Liberal, and Masorti. The Orthodo Jews often follow most strictly the laws and observances of Judaism and will often times send their child to privates Jewish schools at synagogues, therefore it is most likely that I would encounter students that practice as less strict form of Judaism (Chinn, Gollnick p.254). According to 2009 religious affiliation information from the US Census,†¦show more content†¦Her mother is said have been helped by the angel Gabriel. Abraham is born with a light emanating from him and in her confusion; his mother leaves him in the cave. The angel Gabriel is said to make it that milk will flow from Abraham’s finger so that h e will not starve. The legend also states that Abraham knew in infancy of the â€Å"one true God.†Abraham was later reunited with his family and made it his mission to convert everyone to his faith (Goldstein p. 49). Later, Abraham received a divine command to circumcise himself and all his male descendants with the promise that this would lead to future greatness. Shortly after Abraham had fulfilled this command he and his wife, Sarah, changed their names (previously Abram and Sarai). Name-changing is an important Jewish custom as well and will be discussed later (Goldstein p. 50). Shortly after, their first son Isaac was born, and it is said that God tested Abraham by commanding him to kill his son. When Abraham was about to go through with the command the angel Gabriel stopped him (Goldstein p. 50-51). The Jewish people trace their ancestry to Abraham through his son Isaac (Abraham also had another son, Ishmael with a servant girl who the Muslims trace their ancest ry) (Goldstein p. 54). The legends of Abraham are very important in the Jewish faith because it is the basis of their entire religion. Abraham is seen as the firstShow MoreRelated The American Education Systems Multicultural Perplexity Essay785 Words  | 4 PagesCaucasian population. There were hardly any minorities in the school system, and as a result the minorities there did not receive a culturally diverse education. It was much easier for the teacher to teach to the majority in the methods that the majority could understand. These minorities had to assimilate to our practices our fail. This hardly solves the problem of educating students so they can provide for their future families. Of course the minorities in the school are not going to be as adeptRead MoreRosenquists Painting F-111: An Analysis872 Words  | 4 Pageslipstick and appears just like children whose parents enter them into beauty pageants at a young age. The spaghetti with red sauce was becoming a stand ard meal for Americans, and the thick car tire represents the supremacy of the automobile in American culture. 3. While there are parts of the Rosenquist F-111 composition that are disturbing, there are no panels or elements I do not like from an aesthetic perspective. The girl under the hair dryer is the most disturbing, not just because a young child isRead MoreRacism And All The Other Isms 999 Words  | 4 Pageswho was originally from another culture background, going to school here in the U.S was the biggest change for me. Where I came from there is only one type of ethnic group in my school, everyone around me seem to be just like me. We dressed the same, we shared the same culture and language. 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Asian Americans arrived in the United States in the 18th century. The Chinese came to America during the 1850s California gold rush, and it was betweenRead MoreJeanette Krebs Is The Managing Editor Of Bravo Group1203 Words  | 5 Pagesparticular. Krebs stated that Bravo Group has a flat hierarchy, while there is a leadership team, many people lead clients and create teams of others at Bravo. One many be a lead on one client, and then be working for someone else on another. Their culture is to move quickly and think about projects as if they were political campaigns- needing a lot of strategy and moving at a fast pace (J. Krebs, personal communication, October 28, 2015). Bravo Group works with education, energy and infrastructure
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Logarithmic functions Free Essays
John Napier is the man credited to have contributed hugely to the fields of science, philosophy and mathematics. Many believe that he is the brainchild of the modern computer science since he helped in making multiplication, division and root extraction much easier especially for very large numbers. In the world of mathematics the genius of a man, John Napier is credited to have invented the logarithms as early as 1614 and states in his book The â€Å"Descriptio†that he started contemplating the idea of logarithms twenty years earlier which was in the year 1594. We will write a custom essay sample on Logarithmic functions or any similar topic only for you Order Now Using Napier’s table in his book, calculations were made using the logarithm identities. These are the present first and second laws of logarithms: Log XY = Log X + Log Y as well as Log X / Y =Log X – Log Y. In his book â€Å"the Descriptio†John Napier defined logarithmic function as a differential equation. When the base is â€Å"b†and the variable is â€Å"x†the logarithm to the base â€Å"b†of the variable â€Å"x†can be defined as the â€Å"power to which you would raise â€Å"b†to get â€Å"x†. Other scientists define logarithm as â€Å"the exponent to which the base must be raised to produce a given number†(Standler, B.R 1990). That is expressed as: if Logbx = n the bn = x or if Y = bLogx = by = x. there are three laws of logarithm that scientists use in interpreting logarithm: These laws are: The product to sum rule – This law expresses that the product of a logarithm is equal to the sum of the individual logarithms and is expressed as: Log bXY = Log b X+ Log b Y The second law – The quotient of different rule: states that the logarithm of a quotient is the same as subtracting the logarithm of the denominator from the logarithm of the numerator; Logbx/y = Log bx – Logby The third and final law – The power rule; states that logarithm of x equals to the exponent of that power multiplied to the logarithm of x Log bXn =nLogb X Common logarithms As earlier identified a logarithm to be valid must contain a base and a variable. Logarithms are classified into two: Natural logarithms and Common logarithm. In common logarithms the base of the logarithm is assumed to be 10 when not indicated in a function, that is â€Å"log 100 = 2 if the base is not indicated†since if log 10100 = x therefore 10x = 100 hence x = 2. Common logarithm is more prevalent when using arithmetic series as opposed to geometric series. Natural logarithms In the common logarithm system the base is expressed as b whereas in natural logarithms the base number is expressed as â€Å"e†. This number â€Å"e†comes into use after the great mathematician from Switzerland by the name Leonhard Euler. Currently â€Å"e†is the base used in calculus and has since been named as â€Å"natural base†. The value â€Å"e†Can be calculated from a series of factorials starting from one (1) This is; â€Å"e†= 1 + 1/1 +  ½ +1/3 +  ¼Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ and from this, the value of â€Å"e†is approximately 2.71828182845904. Currently, when Mathematicians calculate the natural logarithm of a number they indicate it as (log x) whereas physicists and engineers denote natural logarithms as lnX. Therefore log eX=ln X(Olds, C.D.1963) Logarithms make multiplication and division easier especially when using very big numbers, very small numbers and those with decimal points. Scientists use of the 1st and 2nd laws of logarithms when adding the logarithms of the numbers the result is the logarithm of the product of those numbers whereas. Subtracting the logarithms of two numbers gives the logarithm of the quotient of the numbers. These arithmetic properties of logarithms make such calculations much faster and less laborious. Although logarithm table are slowly becoming obsolete due to the invention of calculators and computers, logarithms themselves are still very useful. However, for manual calculations which also require a great degree of precision the logarithm tables are easier since one only needs to look up in the logarithm table and do some summation which are faster and easier than performing multiplication (Weisstein, E.W 2007). Other than making calculations less labor intensive and much faster the use of logarithms also increases the accuracy of the results of calculations. This is because the use of logarithms allows minimal errors as the values in the table are approximations of the actual values and thus the error is spread. The Keplers Rudolphine table that was published in 1627, made use of the logarithms and this resulted in more accurate values of latitudes of stars. They also together with Napier’s Analogues made it cheaper and easier to calculate angles and sides of spherical triangles. The importance of this new technique is evidenced by the development of logarithmic methods based on logarithmic scales enables multiplication to be quick and easy since there is decreased long multiplication. Logarithms are very essential in the work of astronomists, navigators, mathematicians and all other scientific fields like chemistry and physics. Logarithms for chemists Chemists use logarithms to calculate chemical reactions that are ever occurring in the world that we are living in. for instance the measure of acidity of a substance is made easier when using logarithms. In the PH scale substances have PH ranging from 0 –7. A juice with PH of 4 is 10 times more acidic that the one with a PH of 5. This PH scale is logarithmic and when there is a PH change of 1 unit the acidity changes by factor of 10. As identified by students of chemistry the strength of the acidity changes towards the negative direction that is the higher the PH, the less acidic the solution. This was calculated by use of very small numbers such as 0.00001 that is written in logarithmic form as (1 x 10-5) where –5 is the logarithm of the number (Standler B.R.1990). As we all know acidic solutions contain hydrogen ions H+(aq) and the pH is found by measuring the logarithm of the concentration of these ions and since many people would be confused by negative numbers, the PH is written assuming the negative sign and this not withstanding, the PH is a logarithmic scale and the acidity of a solution with a given PH is different from that of the next pH number not by 1unit but by factor 10. Electrical and Electronic engineers use decibels and bels as units of measurements. The bell is devised in a convenient way to measure power loss in a telephone system wiring rather than giving in amplifiers – originally, the bel used to represent the amount of signal power loss due to resistance over a standard length of electrical cable, however, it is presently defined in terms of logarithms of base 10. The Richter scale that is used to measure the earthquake intensity is a perfect analogy of the bel scale. The 6.0 Richter earthquakes are 10 times more powerful than a 5.0 Richter earthquake. This means that an advantage of using a logarithmic measurement scale is the tremendous range of extension affordable by a relatively small span of numerous values. Reference: Strandler, R.B 1990 â€Å"Editorial†: Mathematics for engineers. The journal of Undergraduate mathematics and its application vol II, pages 1-6, spring Olds, C, D, 1963. Continued fractions, Random House New York Weisstein, Eric W. â€Å"Natural logarithm†from math world a wolfram web resource Accessed online on 23/09/07  How to cite Logarithmic functions, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
caeser Essay Example For Students
caeser Essay Julius Caesar was the dictator for life. 2 years later members of the senate assassinated him. A young boy named Octavian was 18 years old. Octavian was Caesars grandnephew but Octavian had always hoped Caesar would take him as a son. Octavian knew of everything that Caesar had done. From conquering Gaul to when he crossed the Publicans with his army, and also when he defeated his enemies and became the most powerful man in Rome. At the age of 14 Octavian had finally met his great-uncle and hero when he came back from Asia Minor and said the 3 famous words that summed up his victory, Veni, Vidi, Vici. Latin for I came, I saw, I conquered In Caesars will, Octavians dream had finally come true. Caesar had adopted him as his son. In Caesars will he left his money to a man named Marc Anthony. He was a powerful general at the time. He was a consul of Rome and successor to Caesar. Octavian knew he couldnt just get the money from Anthony. Octavian had no military experience or political experience. But he was now Julius Caesars son. As Rome once again fell into devastation, they needed someone who could pull Rome back together and take control. This led to the second triumvirate. The three men who were running in this were Lepidus, Octavian, and Marc Anthony. After Lepidus retired from running for dictator, it left only Octavian and Marc Anthony. As Marc Anthony and Cleopatra set out to take the throne in Rome, they went to western Rome in Asia Minor to win battles. Anthony won the battle of Armenia but soon after returned to Alexandria instead of Rome. When People had wondered why he had done this Octavian said to the senate Anthony intends to make Alexandria, instead of Rome, the capital of the Roman Empire. Cleopatra bewitches Anthony. Has he not bestowed upon her provinces, which belong to you, as Romans? Has he not deserted Octavian, his faithful wife, for that accursed female (Foster 114)? Anthony started moving his Egyptian fleet and 200 ships toward a city called Actium. Octavian had a fleet off 400 ships waiting for him, and Octavian soon won the battle. Anthony had heard that Cleopatra had killed herself, and without thought he killed himself so he could be with her. Cleopatra though, wasnt dead. She came back home to visit Anthonys tomb. She then went to her own tomb and poisoned herself. Octavian now stood alone, one ruler who now controlled all of Rome and now a new Roman province, Egypt.Octavian now was ruler of Rome. Since he was Julius Caesars adopted son, in January 27 BC the senate changed his name from Octavian to Augustus Caesar. From this point on, Pax Romana had begun. Pax Romana is Latin for Rome in peace. Peace was finally restored in Rome, and Augustus was the imperator. Imperator later became know as emperor. Augustus was the first emperor of Rome. The first thing Augustus did to restore peace was present to Rome a new constitution. This constitution transferred the State to the free disposal of the Senate and people (Augustus 370). There were still several civil wars but definitely not as many as before. He had many military operations continuing in many frontier areas. By the year 25 BC rebellious Alpine tribes were defeated and destroyed. In central Asia Minor an area named Galatia was annexed. But a place called Mauritania was changed from Roman provincial status to a client-kingdom, which had a dependent monarchy. Around the year 23 BC reports of conspiracies made him feel that new constitutional stops were necessary. He continued to End all his series of consulships in favor of a power in which disconnected altogether from office and its businesslike inconveniences. This gained power had raised Augustus to a new level. .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 , .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .postImageUrl , .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 , .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921:hover , .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921:visited , .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921:active { border:0!important; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921:active , .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921 .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u4dcaa57df807d1bc35459d3a11589921:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Females And Their Animal Counterparts In Anime Analysis Essay Augustus had listen to the poor people and had supported them. He also tended to back the established classes as the basis of his system. Augustus, around 19 BC, started to witness some social occasions. He encouraged marriage, regulated penalties for adultery, and reduces extravagance. In 17 BC there were glorious celebrations of ancient ritual. This was known
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